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air cooled screw chiller

更新时间:2020-04-16 信息编号:1007598
air cooled screw chiller
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air cooled screw chiller

As a leading air cooled screw chiller supplier, TopChiller provides a complete range of air-cooled screw chiller from TPAS-ASH series, with cooling capacity from 40Ton to 580Ton/130KW to 1950KW and the chiller temperature control range is +30℃ to -30℃. Besides the standard air-cooled screw chiller control temperature of 7℃ to 30℃, TopChiller also has air-cooled glycol screw chiller control temperature below zero from 0℃ to -30℃. Each air cooled screw chiller designed from TopChiller has the following features: Using world famous brand semi-hermetic screw compressor- Bitzer from Germany and Handbell from Taiwan. Each screw compressor with 4 steps of energy control 25%-50%-75%-100% to make sure the whole screw chiller is stable and guarantee high refrigeration performance. There are also 2 or 3 compressors for optional depends on the required refrigeration capacity. Highly efficient closed loop shell and tube type heat exchanger as the evaporator, and using air cooled type condenser-Copper tube sleeve aluminum fin with big volume air cooling fan.

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